Get in touch
For any general enquiry about joining the choir please contact our choir secretary
Tina Watmough CLICK HERE or call 07734 333525 or use the contact box below.
If you have a more business related enquiry please contact our Business Manager Alan Williams CLICK HERE or call 01925 754080 or 07540 096282
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need to do an audition?
Absolutely not. The idea is to be open to all. In a way you will audition yourself. One or two people have dropped out after a week or two when they realised it didn't suit them. That's fine too.
2 What if I have no experience ?
We have all sung somewhere, sometime even if only the bath. Some of the choir have not sung since school choir thirty ( or more ! ) years ago. You have a will to sing. That is why you are reading this so you are halfway there.
2. When do you rehearse ?
We seem to have settled on Monday evenings, but we only rehearse when we have an event coming up - typically 6-8 rehearsals for an event and we do one or two events a year.
3. Is there a charge ?
We are NOT a business but we do have costs , music and CD production, venue hire, rehearsal space hire, publicity, admin, this website, We usually ask for £20 -£25 per event which includes your seat for the whole event. If the cost is a problem for you then we can work something out.
4. Do I need to be able to read music ?
No. some choir members do and even if you don't you will find yourself looking at the music for the words and you will soon find the music is a help reminding you when to come in and when your part goes up and down !
But you will also get a CD with your part that you can use to learn.
P.S. It's FUN !!!