Members Page
. If you are interested in joining the choir, coming along to a rehearsal to see what it is all about or would just like to ask a question please GO TO THE CONTACT US PAGE
A big THANK YOU to Alan Taylor for these pictures 9/5/2016. Lovely images of people working together to create a great sound and a shared experience.

JUNE 26th 2018
Rehearsals to be held at Statham Community Primary School on Warrington Road, Statham, Lymm WA13 9BE unless informed otherwise
Rehearsal schedule.
1. Mon 26th March 7pm -9.30pm. n)
(EASTER BREAK -No rehearsal for 3 WEEKS)
2. Mon 23rd April 7.15pm-9.30pm.
3. Mon 30th April 7.15pm-9.30pm.
4. Mon 7th May (May Bank Hol.). 7.15pm-9.30pm.
5. Mon 14th May 7.15pm-9.30pm.
6. Mon 21st May 7.15pm-9.30pm.
(MON 28TH MAY is SPRING BANK HOL. -No rehearsal
7. Mon 4th June - (Half term). 7.15pm-9.30pm.
8. Mon 11th June 7.15pm-9.30pm.
9. Mon 18th June 7.15pm-9.30pm
10. Sat 23rd June Final Rehearsal- 9.30am - 1pm
Tues 26th June CONCERT Statham Lodge- 8pm - 10.15pm approx.